life is strange 2 remind the rules or concede

While staying up late, Sean revealed he might be interested in some boys. Select Library. Sean can draw a wolf or a penis on Daniel's backpack. Sean must tidy up at least 2 out of 4 items around the house. Sean asks Daniel to get rid of the officers. Finn and the rest of the group will express sympathy for the brothers' loss. After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will say he doesn't believe in that kind of thing. Sean can say they are having sex or that it is probably just the TV. Sean will have a different hairstyle for the rest of the episode. If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will remind Sean he said Heaven and God existed. -, Daniel was too upset to enjoy his presents. Note that this event doesn't concern the scenario in which Sean and Cassidy go after Finn and Daniel, since Merrill is always alert to the intrusion. Finn will comment that Sean is not a ninja. Sean must tidy up at least 2 out of 4 items around the house. Daniel will give Sean a drawing he made right after. Contributes 1 point per item to whether Daniel will steal from Brody (3 or more required). Sean can add soap to the bathtub for Daniel. Caused by: Sean choosing to cross the border and Daniel having Low Morality during the game's finale. Daniel will witness Sean's violence then run away after Sean is knocked out. Sean can still help with chores after this dialogue. In Life is Strange 2, the player (as Sean) must guide Daniel, who has the power of telekinesis, through various moral and ethical choices that will influence how he will use his powers to help or hinder the player as the game progresses. Finn will not be at the Sacred Hope hospital at the beginning of the episode. Scaring Daniel with talking about fangs and claws, Scaring Daniel with telling him about werewolves. If he doesn't, the two men later will comment on his injuries. If Cassidy is romanced, she will send Sean a warm letter with her phone number, explaining where she currently is with the others and that she might think about joining Sean in Mexico after she parts with the other Drifters. If Sean steals the donated yo-yo, he can compensate by replacing it with one of the handmade items. Caused by: Breaking into the truck through the back window. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Time for another story-related choice: "Hide the secret" or "Tell the Truth". Life is Strange 2 Game Guide by Sean can practice his pickup lines in the bathroom mirror at the Diaz home. Daniel is startled and he refuses to do so. If Sean condones the behavior or doesn't confront Daniel about Brody's toy, Daniel will steal Chris' submarine. When Sean ask questions but reacts positively at the most of them. Caused by: Sean interacting with Daniel in any way and Daniel having High Brotherhood. Concede to Daniel when he saves Chris at the treehouse. Daniel will be optimistic as the pair hike to Bear Station. Completely avoiding the church members outside (path to the right, behind a house) or choosing the correct dialogue options: For Derek: saying you just met Jacob, then talking about Daniel; or saying nothing, then pretending to be someone called Mark; Not breaking the door to Lisbeth's office. If Sean looks in the mirror in the church bathroom, he will comment how the worshippers will freak when they see him. Stealing an item without getting Daniel involved is impossible for Sean, because of Doris watching him on the alert. Those 2 actions don't encourage Daniel's power, but performing them prevents repression: Do not call Daniel out for cheating at the dice game. Sean can have a "conversation" with Nick. Sean can avoid being caught only if he did everything perfectly and didn't raise any suspicion. If Sean goes to bed with Daniel after the latter shared a bad memory, Sean can optionally suggest Daniel could call Chris some time. Sneaking around Daniel and scaring him while he is hiding to jump out at Sean. If Lyla wasn't called in Episode 1, she will not appear in the. Daniel quickly agrees to leave the scorpion alone. Sean has the option to use the gun on Merrill during the confrontation, either when Merrill orders them to get down on their knees or when Merrill is about to shoot Finn. Cassidy will storm out in anger once Sean agrees to join the heist, which has different outcomes depending on Big Joe's status. Sean will steal a truck with Finn and Daniel and break into Merrill's house with them. Caused by: Trimming from 9 to 11 weed buds. Sean asks Daniel to lower the TV volume at the motel, to which Daniel complies. If Finn was romanced, he will confess how much he loves Sean and both of them will express the hope to meet again. Indignant at life's capacity to . Daniel will not have the toy at the cabin. With "Nice Weather" you have to avoid looking suspicious by mentioning the flat tire or camping (only after looking at the "Tacoma Rock" sign). Daniel obeys Sean and watches as Merrill kills Finn. Daniel uses his power to set the plates while Claire isn't watching. Daniel suggests his power could help the brothers sometime. Sean listens to Daniel's ending of the story. Caused by: Failing to convince Joey after obtaining a grab bar from the bathroom and choosing to attack him with it. Daniel asks Sean if they're both criminals now. When speaking to Hank Stamper in the back room of Bear Station, Sean can choose to say, "It hurts" or "You kidnapped me!" Sean can choose to let the idea go and not force Daniel. In a fury, Daniel kills Lisbeth with his powers, breaking her neck. Don't intervene when Daniel tries to kill the cougar. Sean apologizes about forgetting to use the soap and allows Daniel to use it himself. Sean adds some water to the container in the cabin bathroom. Daniel pouts at the fire pit, forcing you to skip some optional dialog and a, Cheering Daniel up at the fishing spot by the campsite, Explaining the spider web to Daniel at the campsite, Playing as Daniel's ally in the stick fight at the campsite. Robert Hackerman will ask Sean if he's alright upon greeting him. Chris is hit by a Police car if Daniel didn't tell him the truth earlier. If Sean lies about agreeing to the heist, Finn and Daniel will approach Sean after he and Cassidy get out of the lake. Luke and Madison will keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel, unless they are freed. Click here for Season 2 overall consequences. Say the power is pretty cool after catching Daniel with Chris. Sean's optional dialogues at the hospital indicate he's only partially responsible for how things turned out. Cassidy will not be injured in her mug shot. He can read two blog posts that anonymously mention Sean and Daniel and wish them well. If Sean replies he does not have faith, Lisbeth will say "So Daniel was wrong?". Daniel will be dry either way when he is next seen. On the first dialogue choice in Brody's car, Sean can answer, "Total Fucking Dickhead", and brag about beating Hank's ass. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. The group will be slightly disappointed Sean didn't use the chance to get revenge. -, You stole a Christmas present for Daniel. Claire will be slightly offended and storm off. If Sean calls Lyla in Episode 2 and tells the truth to her mom, Lyla will appear at Sean's release in the, If Sean doesn't call Lyla in Episode 2 or lies to her mom, Lyla will not appear in the. Psychogeography. -, You chose to pull Stephen out together and injured his leg. If you agree to the heist, aren't caught on the CCTVs, and successfully lift the bar behind the living room door, Merrill will take out a radio upon catching the group and tell Big Joe that he was right. If Sean looks at it, he admits in his thoughts how Daniel still misses Chris. The exact dialogue in the lake will vary depending on Sean's intimacy level with Cassidy. If Sean tells he likes Finn too, he can't kiss Cassidy and enter her tent. True Colors is carried by Alex. This will open the option for Finn to become Sean's romantic interest. If Sean surrenders at the border and Daniel agrees, he will ask how does Sean know that everything will be all right. Sean and Daniel will miss an optional inventory item (The Perfect Pebble). Sean can either say it's fine to urinate in the woods or insist that Daniel uses the bathroom there because it is safer. Sean expresses relief that it's run out of batteries. )Daniel is upset and wondering if Chris is dead. Life is Strange Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Telling Daniel there are only critters in the forest. saying "Fucking A!" Caused by: Sean never showing Daniel the trail blazes. If Sean and Daniel are on relatively good terms, Daniel will talk with Sean and mention how he wishes they could send Chris something. This allows Sean to slip out of the hospital before the guard returns from his break. Merrill will still tell Sean that his trimming was nice. Daniel will not be able to stop it the first time, but after the second throw, he will stop it in mid-air. If Sean looks at the photo, he will comment it feels weird to be living in their house. If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he mentions Chris' accident. (Note: Sean can be intoxicated after this interaction is unlocked by smoking or drinking quickly before he begins to talk.). Chris will tell Sean about how his father can get angry when he drinks. Sean and Daniel are not able to bury Mushroom's body, but they will still make her a grave. If Sean helped set up Joan's sculpture, she will give him a wolf figurine to remind him of his inner artist. The phone battery will die if Sean tries to read her text, but he will be able to read it later in the Three Seals Motel if desired. -, Daniel used his power to save Chris from the car. Without proper moral guidance beforehand, Daniel might try to choke Cassidy if you don't agree to the heist. Daniel won't steal from Brody, unless Sean's other actions encouraged theft. Life Is Strange 2 Episode 2 Remind The Rules and talk to Daniel VS Concede Choice In Episode 2, Sean has to tell Daniel Mushroom is in heaven with Esteban, then agree to pray with Claire and Daniel. Before talking with Cassidy at the camp, Sean can dreamily think about never having met anyone like her. or "Fuck Puerto Lobos!". The man politely thanks Sean and Daniel and they then decide to keep their heads down. Actions that contribute to Doris' warm/trusting attitude: Sean didn't steal anything throughout the episode so far (including at the gas station). He will see multiple articles about the Seattle shooting. Sean asks Daniel to throw the locker at the officers and the latter listens. He will simply exit after putting a file in the cabinet, unless Sean has left traces of his presence in Lisbeth's office. Committee: House Government Reform: Related Items: Data will display when it becomes available. If Sean agreed to the heist, he can completely skip the lake with Cassidy by talking to Daniel about going to the robbery. Daniel fully discloses his power to Claire and Stephen; Claire initially shocked. Sean is allowed to leave without further injury, but is left feeling upset and humiliated. Daniel will clean using his powers, and Sean can ask him to stop or allow him to continue. Sean doesn't let Daniel go on and says he can make his own version. Sean not having faith is already confirmed for the time being. To do laundry, go down, left and go through the first entrance on the right. : He's most likely to deface a family picture on the fridge in the Abandoned Cabin. Lisbeth escapes the burning church with Nicholas. Doris is rude and coldly curt towards both Sean and Daniel during their conversations and occasional prompts. Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality during the game's finale. Daniel won't tell Claire that they went to the Christmas market. Luke and Madison will keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel. Depending on whether Sean told Daniel to tell Chris the truth, Daniel can blame either himself or Sean for the accident. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven, then Sean retorting to Claire that they never pray. TEXT CUT BOOK Keep Your Card in Tins Poilet Books will be issued only on presentation of proper library cards. - 1%, You gained Chris's trust and got him to open up about his father. As Daniel's power grows, it's up to Sean to decide the rules by which they live. If Finn isn't romanced, dies, or Sean doesn't forgive him, Sean will not receive a letter from any of the Drifters. Then LiS1 and it'll make just as much sense if not more. Sean is uncertain about Karen's advice since he remembered how Esteban raised him and Daniel. He refuses, if Sean chooses to surrender. If Sean took it from Lisbeth's house, the raccoon sweater can be seen inside Karen's trailer, hung on a wardrobe handle. If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he sadly remarks he's not Chris' friend anymore because he lied to him. During their stay, they encounter next-door neighbor Chris . Sean is more melancholic when he looks at the claw marks by the lake, reflecting on how Daniel's no longer afraid of wild animals. Sean climbs out the window onto the construction scaffolding, then carefully gathering his things from the staff room without waking the guard in the hallway, and escapes the hospital unnoticed. No matter which approach Sean chooses, Karen will tell Daniel how grateful she is that Sean listened to her. Daniel will make an enthusiastic comment and hug Sean. After Sean firmly repeats his demand, he complies and grabs the officers by their necks, then throws toward the end of the room. Daniel reluctantly helps Sean cross the border but jumps out of the car at the last moment, leaving himself to be arrested and Sean in Mexico alone. Everyone will write something, explain where they currently are and wish the brothers well. Almost everyone will suggest you to play them in release order, which means: Life is Strange. Officer Patrick Campbell will not mention the assault or robbery when listing off Sean's charges at the El Rey Police Department. Daniel will enjoy his Christmas present(s). (Such as saving Grandpa, picking 'Concede' after initial Chris contact, ect.) Mobile versions of this guide will be available for download as soon as WWW version is ready. Sean has the option to peek while Daniel is hiding. Watching director Jaume Collet-Serra's Black Adam, audiences are easily convinced that the Warner Bros./HBO Max saga was shot in a Middle Eastern city, nowhere near the Atlanta, Georgia set on which it was filmed."We're always most proud of things no one ever thinks are visual effects," notes Oscar-winning Visual Effects Supervisor Bill Westenhofer (Life of Pi). Daniel will note to Sean how he helped him twice, if Sean makes him beg outside afterwards. Daniel is guaranteed not to feel bad about Lisbeth's death. Sean can mention to Jacob that he provoked the situation by going along with the robbery. Sean will say he's making his specialty, "Cafe Diaz". For example, they will say "Heaven is not real", instead of "Heaven is bullshit". This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Square-Enix / Eidos or DONTNOD Entertainment. Caused by: Sean asking for help and Daniel having Low Brotherhood or Sean not interacting with Daniel at all. Sean can find the wristband from Finn in Daniel's room, while exploring Lisbeth's house, and sadly comment how Daniel probably misses Finn. Caused by: Sean's request to stop lying and Daniel having Low Morality while leaving the Christmas Market. Go outside the balcony door in the room with the TV. He tells Sean that's what the officer deserves. Jacob can mention that Hannah and Penny went to Merrill's when they found out Finn and Cassidy were gone. Sean has the option to refuse or call himself: Daniel and Chris respond positively to "Silver Runner". Joseph's political Economy. The player can "join" the dance by moving the camera to the beat. Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality and Low Brotherhood. but if the posting says "2 weeks vacation" but really it's "you can't take your 2 weeks vacation because we're going to expect you to work during it", just seems like lying to the employees. He ends up violently knocking out Officer Campbell against the wall, which partially shatters, then throws his unconscious body to the side without remorse. Caused by: Agreeing to the heist when given a choice in "Paradise Lost" and going to the lake in general. If Sean called Lyla back in Episode 1, she will write comments defending the brothers. Sean refers to skipping stones when teaching Daniel to use the claw game at Bear Station. Daniel is caught off guard and lets go of the flying plates, making a noise and alerting Claire for a second. Lisbeth will use the heist while arguing with Sean to accuse him of being "sinful". Sean can't apologize if Daniel shared a bad memory. This guarantees to increase the likelihood that Sean will refer to Doris as "okay, almost nice" in his sketchbook. Daniel is still having nightmares and dealing with the post-cult trauma. Sean goes easy on the boys and keeps talking to Chris about the power with some approval. If Sean and Daniel are still on relatively good terms, Daniel will talk with Sean and mention how he wishes they could check if Chris is okay. If Sean is able to talk with Lyla or tells her mom the truth, Lyla's Facebook page will show she is passionate about civil rights. Locks out the opportunity for Finn to appear during the Parting Ways ending. Nicholas is present during the entire confrontation. He agrees, if Sean chooses to cross the border. Sean can simply mention to Jacob that he should've protected Daniel better. Feb 17, 2020 - Sometimes taking it slow is the best way to immerse players. Contributes to getting closer to Finn, especially if Sean tells Cassidy it's people like him who give him inspiration. Sean and Daniel are not able to bury Mushroom's body, but they will still make her a grave. After a tragic incident, brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz run away from home. Asking Daniel to do it is not required to escape. Jacob writes a letter to Sean, explaining that he used the money to pay a month's rent in advance for a nice room in a coastal beach town, and that Sarah Lee is doing better with antibiotics. Based on what choice was made regarding telling the truth, Sean either comforts Daniel by saying Chris won't stay mad, or scolds him for disobeying the request to be honest. Jacob writes a letter to Sean, explaining that he used the his savings to buy antibiotics, and that Sarah Lee is doing much better now. It takes around 2-3 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game. The brothers retain their. Sean draws Finn as he sits under the tree, either with his wood piece or without it. At the Christmas market, if Sean tells the truth to the gift vendor, he will obtain a $1 discount. This content requires the base game Life is Strange 2 on Steam in order to play. This will allow you to keep Cassidy as a romantic interest as Finn will not approach Sean when they come back to camp. Luke and Madison will stay locked up and keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel, unless they are knocked out. Mushroom is required to beat the game and will be adopted by Daniel no matter what Sean decides when given an option. Daniel's preferred order of the pieces is: Daniel will note it's not what he wanted, but he's not bothered either. It is possible to succeed or fail to get food, depending on the dialogue options chosen. Daniel will be happy that he got the bar. Caused by: Daniel eating toxic berries in the forest. If Sean has a low intimacy level with Cassidy or ignores her advances, Cassidy will tell Sean she has to swing by her tent and Hannah will interrupt them. Look around a little while the grandparents are talking in another room (no need to eavesdrop on grandparents, they will get back to you soon!). Caused by: Sean's request to protect the secret. This will, however, result in Cassidy's particular resentment towards Sean. Unlike Finn, Sean does not have the option to wake Merrill up, the situation plays out similarly to if Sean chose to escape instead of wake Finn. Sean goes easy on the boys and keeps talking to Chris about the power with some approval. Sean will comment that he must be in pretty bad shape but remark "I'm not going to cry for you, asshole." If Daniel used his powers to stop the police car, Chris will look disappointed and Daniel will feel bad for lying to him. Life is Strange 2 - Episode 2. Sean will refuse to tell her about the accident. If Sean decides to draw, his drawing will look rough and messy. If Sean sees the Bible at the motel, he has a sarcastic thought about any guest willing to read it. Before talking with Finn at the camp, Sean can dreamily think about hoping to meet Finn again. Lyla's Facebook page will show she is passionate about civil rights. Caused by: Waking Big Joe up after breaking the engine or slashing the tires of the car. If Sean looks at it, he admits in his thoughts how Daniel still misses Chris. Caused by: Sean interacting with Daniel in any way and Daniel having Low Brotherhood or Sean not interacting with Daniel at all. If Sean decides to draw, his drawing will look sharp and accurate. Daniel's shirt and trousers will remain dirty throughout the episode. Because Chris knows he has no power, he doesn't move into the police car's path; instead, he is sitting on the swings in the backyard when Sean and Daniel cut through. As someone who has owned a dog all my life, I understand exactly the importance, especially for elderly people, of a dog. Daniel will make an enthusiastic comment and hug Sean. Sean will not gain any additional money at the start of the game. The vigilantes (Madison especially) are baffled by this gesture and aren't sure what to do. Sean says he doesn't blame Daniel at all. During the final confrontation, Sean will tell Daniel he shouldn't have agreed to the heist. Sean will have a chance to chicken out saying the water is too cold or go in. Sean and Daniel stay together, settle down in Puerto Lobos and set up a garage, using Daniel's powers to deal with criminals. Cassidy's letter will take on a sad tone in light of Finn's death (or particularly hostile, if Sean lied to her and kissed her). Developer: DONTNOD Entertainment, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux) Esteban will hug Sean and tell him to be careful. Beverages, water, candy, and the leftover apple do NOT count. If Sean called Lyla in Episode 1, there will be many updates about Sean and Daniel posted on her wall. He will see multiple articles about the Seattle shooting. Sean will go easy on Daniel after breaking the rule, admitting that saving Chris was the right call. Daniel kneels over the officer to examine him, without much care. Agent Flores will show Sean a photo of the unconscious Finn in the hospital. Sean will not be able to check the news, Brody's blog, or log in to his social media account. . Sean and Daniel encounter Chris in his backyard while running from the Police, he gives Daniel his Captain Spirit cape and directs them to a path where the cops won't find them. The game still records he didn't wait. Watch a cut-scene after which you have to make a choice - "Remind the rules" or "Concede". Daniel will steal a submarine toy from Chris' bathroom, if Sean didn't reproach him for stealing from Brody in the previous episode. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire, he will be able to tell the group about how they beat Hank up for kidnapping them. Daniel does not swear while talking to Claire. If Lyla is not called in Episode 2, she will post a photo of her with Daniel, saying she's thinking of him. Chris will help the brothers escape undetected and won't get hurt. The two brothers spend a night camping in the woods, in a spot from the early game, before parting ways at the end, driving off in separate cars. Chad will take the toy from Sean to taunt him, and it may be broken if Sean attempts to forcibly take it back. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. Daniel is more confident about his power while talking to Sean before boarding the train. Daniel will be pessimistic and complain about the forest being awful the next day. Caused by: Sean's request to protect the secret. Catching Daniel with Chris the back window be all right handmade items multiple articles about the accident rule, that. 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