great british railways livery

No.47373 in revised Railfreight "red stripe" livery. Great Northern split, with the Moorgate services becoming part of the London Overground brand and the Kings Lynn route becoming part of the LNER brand. It looks like BR. The WilliamsShapps plan recommended that there will be a single, unifying brand for railways, and it is expected that this will be a gradual rebranding over time. Also, yes, the actual report has a typo, it really does say 'refect' instead of 'reflect'. As built it was a sort of purplish-red stripe with a lighter red shadow, then this changed to solid red in the late 90s/early 2000s. Roofs were Dark Grey and underframes originally brown, but later black. Corridor coaching stock was originally trialled in LNWR coach plum and off-white (nicknamed Plum and Spilt Milk) before Crimson (carmine red) and Cream livery (nicknamed Blood and Custard) was adopted across the network; non-corridor stock was painted plain Crimson. The 25 kV electric locomotives were painted from new in a striking shade of bright blue which was known as "Electric Blue". The whole GBR thing is complicated as you have ScotRail and TfW already as separate brands that won't change, yet using "Rail England" or whatever is going to provoke outrage where services run by "English" operators go into Scotland and Wales (which rather ignores the same the other way round!). Why not capitalize on it? Although from the mid-1960s to the 1980s the organisation was associated with "Rail Blue", a number of other schemes were also used, especially when it was split into operating units or "sectors" in the mid-1980s. Suffice to say, an actual English nationalist would not be passing controversial legislation to enable Westminster to spend even more money on Northern Ireland, as this Government is. The FT reports: The reforms will still allow private companies to run services but they will instead work under a more prescriptive management contract, similar to the system in place on the London Overground.. Differences should merely be factual, not corporate. Nothing to bring it all together. The creation of Great British Railways (GBR) has been dubbed as the end to "a quarter-century of fragmentation" and a means to provide "accountable national leadership". The infrastructure was privately owned and operated by Railtrack from 1994 to 2002, when it was renationalised and transferred to Network Rail. At the moment, the TOC mostly differentiates this. Its rolling stock initially carried the standard Rail Blue (or blue and grey) livery but in 1992, it introduced a new livery of red and grey, with pale blue and grey flashes. What possible negatives are there to none enthusiasts? Underneath that in a smaller font, about half the height of the space between the botton track and the bottom of the arrow "Operated by [whomever] for Great British Railways". The old Northern signs worked well, but only Metro/WYCA really got behind the co-branding opportunities, that I saw. This livery suited these diesel hydraulic classes, and allowed the Western Region to once again show a degree of independence; it was not applied to any other diesel or electric classes (other than the Class 42/43 "Warships"). Antrim Princess Sealink ferry underway in Larne with Sealink letters. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The final decision was to be made later in 2022,[16] but the result has not been announced as of February 2023. More middle days; they were improving quite a bit in the 1990s. I don't think the red understripe would appear though, and there will still be calls from TfGM, WYCA TfWM, TfW, etc. Boris Johnson has announced that Britain is to have a new public rail operator, Great British Railways (GBR), in the biggest shake-up of the country's trains since privatisation a quarter. In which case, why do car manufacturers put effort (and substantial amounts of money!) I have heard that the BR double arrows will remain in use due to the fact that in the UK everyone recognises it as the 'train station' symbol. You are using an out of date browser. I'm working on building a GBR brand from the ground up for the next few days (my calendar is completely empty), starting with a logo. Standing on the sidelines of national politics and shouting is just what capital-U Unionism does now. But thats the insidious appeal of nationalism: it willalwaysbe easier, in the short term, to spurn complicating national attachments in favour of tacking to local winds and making off with as much cash as you can lay your hands on. Bare minimum. And it that light it is intriguing that Ministers have decided to take a step back towards a national rail network with the launch of Great British Railways (GBR). This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 18:28. This includes transport, with the first Union Connectivity Review being published earlier this year. Budgets and delivery will be held at the local level as well as at the national level. I don't think there would ever be multiple logos for Great British Railways as you've alluded to - it would make it complicated for the end passenger. Whatever its failings and they were multitude branding was one thing British Rail took seriously and was remarkably good at. On the face of it, this is primarily a reorganisation of the franchise system in England control over passenger franchises in Scotland and Wales is, alas, devolved. The name is still awful though and far too long. The Class 309 units worked between Liverpool Street and Clacton, occasionally also to Ipswich and Norwich and later upon transfer saw the livery briefly appear around Manchester and Birmingham. This competition aimed to identify a place with a rich railway heritage, strong links to the national network and significant public support, while creating a great opportunity to promote the location as the proud home for the start of a new era in Britains railways. GBR is currently running a competition to find a town or city outside London to host its headquarters. It's a given that there will be brands underneath GBR - if there weren't, it would make travelling pretty complicated. Introduced originally by the Great Western Railway, the Travelling Post Office would set out from London in the dead of night and deliver . Eventually, it was decided to standardise on a colour which became known as Rail Blue. Something will need to be kept open for Open Access Operators to be distinguished. | Page 15 | RailUK Forums We're pleased to announce the launch of our new booking engine at, which helps support the running of the forum with every ticket purchased. The Great British Railways Transition Team (GBRTT) seeks to deliver the most ambitious changes to our railways in a generation, working with the government and across the rail sector. We badly need that on the visual mess that is the railway. I wonder if we might actually see things like "Northern - by Great British Railways" rather than one single overarching branding. If Scotland leaves the UK it must become British Rail as Britain is defined as just England & Wales! In terms of changing the background colour - I was going to go with a navy blue, but then it wouldn't integrate with any part of the design system I had in my head, so I opted not to. Home Forums I'm not convinced "InterCity" services warrant different branding now, as they are no longer of premium quality in terms of service provision; in many case they're just regional or commuter services (thinks XC and GWR in particular). You are using an out of date browser. Finsbury Park. [7]. I'm unsure about the livery as such, but if Great British Railways is taken forward, I'd expect 'GBR' to feature. Upon sectorisation, most secondary passenger routes which did not fall under the InterCity or Network SouthEast banner were re-designated as Regional Railways (originally Provincial). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I just see the thing as extremely surface level. Despite the InterCity brand having been introduced in 1966, in 1985 the word 'Executive' was dropped and the livery was applied to all coaches and many locomotives used on InterCity services. I'd go along with that from a "looks right" perspective, but it would be almost impossible to see from (for instance) inside a train in darkness. Quick reference Livery Guide for Nameplates and transfers available in 4mm/00 scale. From 1966 until withdrawal, Pullman Coaches were also painted in the reversal of the normal coach livery, with the blue and grey areas transposed. Why does it need to look the part - what does nationalisation look like? Swiss style would be nice, British society & culture wouldn't allow this as we for example don't have direct democracy as in Switzerland this is a very good example of how it can work, credit to Dispatcher on the Stour on Twitter. [18] GBR will own all infrastructure in Scotland and Wales that Network Rail owns now. Thats a bit like saying everything has been invented, no need for anything more. This livery was well received by enthusiasts but as the Class 56s only hauled freight, it was decided to extend the experiment to a passenger loco. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I tried going with the National Rail icon in the right hand side, but it was too small and nobody would notice it. Several Class 31 locomotives received white waist stripes, these being It's the name of the island ffs. I quite like that version; I think I might like it even more if the black and the red were blue instead though. A number of sets of coaching stock and a handful of locomotives received the livery, as well as most new multiple units and some existing ones. This included many of the features which were later incorporated in the Mark 2, and trialled in an experimental train designated XP64. "Great" means "large", not "very good". [8], Class 501 train in Rail Blue calls at Harrow and Wealdstone, Class 416 train in British Rail blue/grey livery calls at Dalston Kingsland station. Later regional variations included some interesting changes for the Class8P passenger types in particular. I reckon a simple logo like the one youve depicted will be what we see. The UK, Britain, Great Britain, The British Isles, England - what's the difference? European paint code RAL5020 ("Ocean Blue") is a good match to Rail Blue. There are some good brands out there - gWr for example is a superb piece of marketing prowess, alongside the "friendly nostalgia" of the Famous Five advertising. [2] It was a dark, greyish blue tone which hid the effects of dirt well. There'll no doubt be someone on here who knows, one way or the other. Regional divisions will manage concession contracts, stations, infrastructure, and local and regional budgets, integrate track and train, and integrate rail with local transport services. And Great Britain is more often than not used to mean the whole of England/Scotland/Wales, excluding Northern Ireland - a legacy of the Kingdom of Great Britain, which existed from 1707 to 1800. But it invites an obvious question: what is to be done about it? Agree, having at least 'intercity', 'regional' and 'metro' would be good. In terms of signage, here's what I was working on this morning: Compared to the superb branding packages of TfW and ScotRail, it does not say "come use the railway, it's good", it says "we have spent the bare minimum, stick to your car". Today I would like to make a rather general suggestion rather than something specific. Great British Railways: Livery, branding and appearance? A later version made minor changes to the livery, the main one of which was to darken the main shade of blue used. The livery was applied only to some Class 309 "Clacton" units on the former Eastern Region and to a few of Classes 411 (4Cep), 419 (MLV) and 421 (4Cig) on the former Southern Region. It is known as Great because it is the largest island in the British Isles, and houses the countries of England, Scotland and Wales within its shores. The British Rail Class 31 diesel locomotives, also known as the Brush Type 2 and previously as Class 30, were built by Brush Traction from 1957-62. But then every time I look at a train, I'll think of a bus. This was later modified for locomotives allocated to the Civil Engineer's department to include a yellow stripe on the upper bodyside, the resulting livery being known as "Dutch" due to its similarity to the corporate colours of the Nederlandse Spoorwegen.[18]. Aren't best impressions the ones that did the 2015 Virgin East Coast HST? We need a sense of professionalism and togetherness, one branding brings that. I personally like this Lion logo posted by Tim Dunn on twitter a few years ago, Not at all. If they are going down the GBR route, which is just nationalisation with extra steps, it needs to look the part (the national part, not the extra steps part). What is wrong with different routes and regions having different liveries? Class 01 01002 inside Holyhead Breakwater shed in early black livery. For cost reasons, liveries were usually changed piecemeal, when coaches came in for scheduled maintenance. Class 52 No.D1015 restored to 1960's Western Region Maroon livery. the report stated that there would be some update to the double arrow, though not what that update would be. Great British Railways marks a new era in the history of our railways. Why? You are using an out of date browser. for some form of co-branding. Make the name central and it'd be perfect. But theres no particular reason this should be. This grey panel finished just short of the end of the coach leaving a small amount of Rail Blue which then continued round onto the end of the coach. Class 14s D9537 (in desert sand livery) and D9539 prepare a double-head a train on the Ribble Steam Railway. Steam locomotive 61306 Mayflower seen just outside Sittingbourne, Kent at lunchtime today. On 10 June 1986, British Rail launched Network SouthEast, an organisation designed to cut across the traditional regional boundaries and deliver a co-ordinated train service for London and the surrounding region. The attachments illustrate this. 19th September, 2019. Because for my money blue & grey is not the "same basic livery" as Swallow, neither is NSEs toothpaste anything like the red and cream worn in the 50s. Construction of the first locomotive was completed in the final week of September 1957, and the handing-over took place on 31 October. BR's first standard locomotive liveries, adopted from 1949 onwards. You are using an out of date browser. In 1956 an all-over darker maroon, which more closely resembled the pre-nationalisation LMS livery, was re-introduced, except for the Southern Region, where locomotive-hauled stock was generally painted 'coaching stock' green (from July 1956-on) and a small number of express carriages on the Western Region which were in traditional GWR-style chocolate and cream. In May 2022, the Government announced proposed legislation to modernise rail services and improve reliability for passengers. I don't see what's wrong with Rail Alphabet which is rather older than the 1980s - to be frank the branding shouts 60s, a period of branding I personally like but obviously that *is* personal - although you could just use Frutiger to keep the tie in with the other large national service, the NHS ( who used to use Rail Alphabet too ). The first Class 31 entered service in November . It will also control the contracting of passenger train services, the setting of fares and timetables, and the collection of fare revenue, with the exception of services wholly within Scotland and Wales. Instead, I just added an icon next to the full text and removed it from the main station name. It may not display this or other websites correctly. WMT (operationally separate from LNWR by this point) brand to be used additionally on XC services to Nottingham and Leicester (stopper only). though we may have to wait for a new govt for that to happen. You are using an out of date browser. It still has to look good decades from now. 3 Apr 2022 . Search for a trade mark - Intellectual Property Office (,, Somewhere along the West Anglia Main Line. It was formed from the nationalisation of the Big Four British railway companies, and was privatised in stages between 1994 and 1997. Clearly "Great British Railways" does include a bit of "retro" in the manner than gWr does, for example. The current lot is an absolute mess. [3] Goods (freight) services are operated by a number of companies, the descendants of those created during the 1990s privatisation. Why are so many cars driven around dirty with the user making no attempt to keep them clean? From 1974, some DMU sets, after being refurbished, were painted white with a wide blue band under the windows and full yellow ends. Free delivery for many products! The concession contract system will be the long-term replacement for the previous system of passenger rail franchising run by the Department for Transport, which became unsustainable early in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. [7], The reorganisation does not affect Northern Ireland, where the railway is already operated by the vertically integrated and already wholly state-owned Northern Ireland Railways. In 1978 the British Railways Board began planning a new livery for the future, and in that August Class 56 diesel locomotive 56036 was painted to test a modified livery[11][12] of all-over Rail Blue with the entire loco front in bright yellow to improve visibility, this extending down the sides of the loco to the rear of the cab windows which were, in turn, outlined in black. The livery comprised brown upper panels with a colour described variously as "biscuit" or "fawn" along the lower panels and separated by a broad orange band. Originally running from 1923 until 1948 when it became British Railway, LNER returned to the route of famous for the Flying Scotsman in 2018 when the . There have also been subtle font changes. For me, it's time to sign off from the Great Western Railway Line. It highlighted different ways in which Westminster could invest in Britains strategic transport network to better-integrate the nation. It might have the operator identified in a small way too. Not sure but I was also thinking of the winding up arrangements that would've taken place at privatisation i.e. Much closer to what I was meaning (thanks. There is also a British Standard paint colour BS381C 114 called Rail Blue which was introduced in 1964. [7], GBR will use a slightly modified British Rail Double Arrow and the Rail Alphabet 2 typeface for branding. [7], Under Network Rail, all stations are formally in public hands since 2014, but only 20 (mainly large termini and central stations) are managed directly by it. Great Central Railway {} Sample: 002366: Great Eastern Railway {} Sample: 00a550: Great Northern Railway (Great Britain) {{GNGE colour}} Sample: 00645b: Great Northern and Great Eastern Joint Railway {{GWGC colour}} Sample: 47640f: Great Western and Great Central Joint Railway {} Sample: 964b00: Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway The Tories, particulary this present mob of throwbacks, have long since co-opted the "great" in "Great Britain" to mean "very good"and it's xenophobic, imperialist undertones me me want to vomit. Why do most people go for a car that is mostly all one single colour. Still makes me cringe everytime I see/read 'Great' in front of anything British since this mob got in. Cross Country merged with EMT to form a brand called Midland Connect. Bland, cheap, unimaginative. A throwback to the 70s and 80s can sometimes work, but not often, but I think. So even if that doesn't become the actual 'GBR' logo it will likely see some use on stations and maybe trains. Blue Pullman in grey and blue livery arriving at Bristol Temple Meads in 1973. Historic fact is that Roman Britain was England & Wales and the name Great Britain was adopted once Scotland joined, even though today we may refer of GB as just Britain. A later version added a red stripe along the lower edge of the locomotive bodyside. I can only see negatives. Great British Railways (GBR) is a planned state-owned public body that will oversee rail transport in Great Britain,[1] with the exception of Transport for London and Merseytravel services, and light rail and trams elsewhere in England. For this new venture a new livery - a paler shade of blue than Rail Blue, with three stripes of white, red and grey - was created with Class 47 No.47573 The London Standard painted in the new livery specifically for the launch ceremony. It's only as complicated as you want it to be. I suppose they are quite bland. We need more national institutions to give a British shape to life, and GBR should be one of them. In the days of signs being hand painted/stencilled on enamel I would agree, but it is so much easier to make stuff look good these days that there is really no excuse for this sort of thing. Introduced in 1965, and also known as "Monastral Blue", the colour was defined by British Rail standards BR28/6001 (Airless spray finish) and BR28/5321 (Brush finish). The 4REP and 3/4TC EMUs were a notable oddity, initially receiving all-over Rail Blue despite being express corridor stock. It is not necessary to have it on platform signs as if you don't know you are on the railway when you see them there probably isn't much hope for you. Why do you show the double-arrow logo *and* the words "Great British Railways"? RM CN0PKR - Britania 70000 in British Railways Livery at West Somerset Railway, Minehead, UK RM C1N4A7 - Totnes Littlehempston Station with Goods Vehicle in authentic 'British Railways' Livery, Totnes, Devon, England, United Kingdom RM ER5JCR - 46138 Royal Scot Class Steam Locomotive - British Railways L I can sort of understand lumping Moorgate services in with London Overground, but LNER to Kings Lynn has been suggested many times without any compelling reason as to why, beyond "something something intercity standard", This idea often seems to pop its head up. Midland Connect quite like that version ; I think I might like even! Isles, England - what 's the name is still awful though and far too long level as well at. Locomotives received white waist stripes, these being it 's only as as... Added a red stripe '' livery in your browser before proceeding one youve depicted will held. 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